So here’s a fun fact. The houses where we tract (knock on doors) are all huge mansions. People are mostly kind and they don’t just offer us a bottle of water, but a bottle of Perrier water!!

This week has been pretty hard – Lots of rejection, Satan just
working really hard on us. One of our most progressing families just
dropped us out of the blue with no reason. That was tough, but many
things went right too! Sunday was just so good and fulfilling! I am
learning so much out here on the mission! I am changing! I love it!
Things are starting to really click! Especially the Plan of
salvation and the Atonement!!! As I study the Atonement of Christ I notice that they use really big words, but I am starting to understand. I am learning how to teach people that only through Jesus Christ can we be cleansed from our sins.  I cannot wait for Easter! It is going to have so much more meaning for me this year!

Here are a couple miracle from this Sunday!
-The Sabbath was a delight.
-Opening prayer in Sacrament they prayed for us by name. The spirit
was so strong.
-4 Advil and some prayer does fantastic things.
-Bishop had us come to the man meeting (Priesthood meeting) and had us stand up there and told them to find people for us to teach and showed them the picture
of us and asked them to pray for us by name. The ward got a framed
picture of us to help the members remember missionary work….they
call us famous haha we have an amazing ward!
-Janet wasn’t interested, but we introduced our purpose and the Book of
Mormon. Her eyes turned sparkly. She felt tingling and just good.
Complete change from just 5 minutes ago. 180 turn around! Eyes were
sooooo sparkly!! She is going to read the Book of Mormon and come to a
temple tour.
-Our lesson with the Sesay family was perfect! The spirt was so
strong! The Taylor’s came with us. I think we are going to begin
seeing some real changes in their lives!

I love you all soooooo soooo much! Stay strong!
❤️Sister Hawkins